Office of Student Achievement & Success


学生成就与成功主任帮助学生解决干扰学生的问题 with their academic progress. We also help connect students with enrichment opportunities like funding for internships and experiential learning.  Working collaboratively with 学术顾问、注册主任、学生事务和学院的其他部门, 院长负责监督帮助学生学习和发展的项目、支持和干预 grow. 

为遇到干扰学业的问题的学生提供资源 progress

在“退/加”期结束后,学生可以退选一门或多门课程 一年级研讨会除外(见下文),在下周五之前不受处罚 the mid-semester advising day (see Academic Calendar). A “W” grade will be noted on the student’s transcript.*

退课(不同于从学院退课) 只有在学生与指导老师讨论过之后才可以申请 学生优先,与学生成就和成功主任. 学生必须向注册主任提交一份签名的退学表 no later than the Friday after the mid-semester advising day.

NOTE: Students may not 未经学生处处长同意,不得退修一年级研修班 Achievement and Success. Students who are approved to withdraw from a FYS must enroll in an appropriate FYS in the next possible semester. 从FYS退课遵循所有其他规则.

*一般来说,学生在一门课程中最多只能退三门课 of their 4 years at Washington College. There are two exceptions to this rule:

1. 当学生在一个学期中修了超过16个学分时,我们不计算退学 (Catalog 2022-2023, page 50)

2.    We do not count withdrawals during summer term (Catalog 2022-2023, page 78)

九州娱乐官网退学的学生会发现这一点 decision carries with it many consequences. Withdrawal can affect eligibility for 继续获得财政援助或学生贷款延期,大学或外部 奖学金项目、私人健康保险和其他保险. Thus, 希望退出学院的学生必须先完成学业 必要的文书工作,并在适当的时候参加离职咨询. The Dean of Student 如前所述,成就与成功帮助学生完成退出过程 在下面的几个选项中,但最终是学生的责任 inform him or herself about the overall effects of a withdrawal.

如果你需要退学请联系院长兰普曼,电话是 alampman2FREEwashcoll 

Link to the College Catalog section on "Withdrawal for Semester."

学生可以在学期内暂时离开学院 当医疗或其他个人情况需要他们离开校园 for more than a few days.

Non-Medical Leave: 如因非医疗原因请假,学生必须 contact the Dean for Student Achievement and Success, Dean Lampman at alampman2FREEwashcoll . 院长将学生请假的情况通知学生事务处和全体教员 并帮助学生与教师联系,以跟上课程的进度. 

Medical Leave: In the case of a medical leave of absence, a student must consult with Health Services or Counseling Services about the problem that necessitates the leave. Health or Counseling Services advises 教务长办公室和学生事务办公室关于学生的要求 如果申请被批准,教务处会通知学生 和学生事务办公室了解他或她必须做些什么才能获得批准 to return to classes. A student on medical leave of absence may not return to classes, 住校,参加学生社会生活或其他校园活动 使用九州娱乐官网的设施,直到健康或咨询服务批准 to do so.

休假通常为两周(14天)。. If at the 两周后,学生仍未返回课堂或经卫生部门批准 或咨询服务,以返回课堂,教务长办公室审查学生的 在适当情况下向健康服务或咨询服务机构咨询; to determine whether the student’s leave should be extended. Students who are not 一般建议能够或批准在四周结束后重返课堂 to withdraw from the College. In these cases, the withdrawal is retroactive to the 学生上课的最后一天,并在学生的成绩单上注明 该学生在该学期注册的所有课程成绩均为“W”.

休学学生:在学术或社会地位不佳并请假的学生 缺席或因任何原因退出不因此恢复良好的信誉. A 学生的恢复入学或重新入学可能是有条件的,等待 解决任何涉嫌违反荣誉守则的学术或社会行为.

如果因家庭成员死亡而请假,学生必须与学校联系 Dean for Student Achievement and Success, Dean Lampman at alampman2FREEwashcoll. 院长将学生请假的情况通知学生事务处和全体教员 并帮助学生与教师联系,以跟上课程的进度. A bereavement leave is usually granted for 6-14 days.

The Committee on Academic Standing and Advising  是否负责监督学生的学习进度,奖励学术成绩 成就,并确保适当的学术建议的学生.  The committee 考虑学生团体内的所有学术地位案件,并处理请愿书 for exempting individuals from academic policy.

希望申请例外或豁免学术政策的学生可以 do so by completing this online form.  Academic policies can be found in the College Catalog.

CARE系统允许九州娱乐官网社区的成员(教职员工, 即时报告对学生健康状况的担忧. For instance, 对学习成绩、心理和/或身体健康以及其他方面的担忧. 

Visit the Student Affairs site to learn more about the CARE system

Submit a CARE Report

丰富学生的机会,包括实习,体验式学习, and Faculty-Led Programs

The  Office of Student Success & Achievement Maintains a listed of funding source对学院主导的项目、实习、本科生研究感兴趣的学生 and other enrichment opportunities. When possible, links and deadlines are included.

九州娱乐官网提供国内和九州娱乐官网旅行. The trips range from 1 to 3 weeks. The trips offer a wide variety of topics ranging from 商业、文化、经济、环境、伦理、音乐、政治和宗教.  These programs can include academic credit. Funding opportunities are listed above.

To learn more about the specific programs visit the Global Eduication Office (GEO)